Friday, February 19, 2010

life & then again...

When we look outside: at times, we hear birds chirping, squirrels running around, blue skies up above. How awesome is that??!!!?

My thought is this>> how wonderful it is to see and hear these things! Sometimes we take for granted the things that are here, the things we have and the things we dont realize how wonderful they are. Sometimes, I hear and see these things here at home..and i get irritated--I am tired, dont wanna hear birds..certainly dont want animals running in front of me when im driving.. BUT---think about this:
what IF:: these things werent here? What IF we couldnt see these things??
I think of it as this.. Us humans, we take things for granted--EVERYTHING. yes, thats right, i said it..everything. think about it!!! we hate the noise when we want sleep, we HATE the cold, when we want warm, we HATE traffic, when we wish it be still..but think.. would we rather not have anything at all?

Love ur family, ur sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents--friends..good or not. because, god forbid one day.............they are gone.
There is nothing you can do about it. Jsut live each day happy. Thats it..
until next time....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

younger days, and then some...

When we are little kids, we are told by our parents--
*hey! dont touch that stove, its hot!!!*
*watch for cars when you cross the street*
*dont do drugs, they are bad for you*
etc, etc, etc...

Did we all listen? I can't TELL you how many times I heard this stuff, and more--did i always listen? ABSOLUTELY NOT. BUT--once we touch that hot stove, and we realize it hurt like hell, did we do it again? i sure didn't. I did the drug thing, sure. BUT-i regret every second of it for sure. D o I wish I wouldve listened--of course, but I had do to it on my own, before I realized how STUPID i was.

It saddens me though, when time and time again, I see ones that I love doing such stupid stupid things. I have a family member who was recently arrested this past friday--all of us in the family knew that this was coming sooner or later for him. I love this person dearly--but I guess I jsut dont understand. For me, when there is a negative, I truly believe there is a positive for every single one of those. Why take a negative, and leave it that way by doing STUPID things? Its saddening, and and disheartening at the same time.

Sometimes we need a lifes lesson. ANd I think that this is one of those times. I had to vent..and appreciate this is the way to do it.
until next time...

Monday, February 15, 2010

as u may know...

As some of you may know, my sister of only 15 yrs old was killed back in november of this past year, due to a careless driver whom was texting while driving, and was also talking on the phone as well. I have been and will continue to be an advocate for cell-free driving. NOT jsut text free, but CELL-free completely. I have had several friends of mine on facebook sign up to be as well, YET--i am constantly seeing alot of them, drving and talking on their phone. I guess, if you're not going to do it, dont say you are. its very frustrating.

ALot of you may think that using a headset or bluetooth, is ok too. Its not. It is all still a distraction. Im sorry but * DONT TEMPT FATE, THAT CALL OR TEXT CAN WAIT *. I guess to each his own, but still, dont say something if you are not willing to stick by it. It is a habit, yes i know. I have caught my self ONE time talking otp while driving..i drove 5 feet, then stopped IMMEDIATELY. Lets think about this...

I, myself--LOVE to watch 24, or the mentalist, among some others.. now if i get a phone call while watching something i reallllyyyy wanna watch like those previous shows mentioned, I cant do it. Meaning: I dont have the concentration to do so. This is the same with driving. So, do me a favor...the next time you are driving, think about this. I am not picking on anyone, just merely pointing something out.

Have a wonderful day! until next time...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

how do we..

Why is it that we feel the need to be a certain way? I mean, if we are a parent--which alot of us are, is there a particular way we are supposed to act? and if so, what is it, and why? I am a mother of 3, I am a smoker-yes(never around my kids or in my house tho), I am constantly changing my hairstyle and color, you never know what its going to be.. :-) and I have 11 tattoos. Does this make me a bad person? i dont think so. this is just me. and you know what-Im fine being different.

Goodness, how bland would this world be if we were all the same? pretty boring i think! agreed? I guess having cliche's is all part of our being. but know this, noone should have to conform to the way that society says we are supposed to be. I am me, just as you are you.

Guess this is something we should all ponder...... until we meet again.. thats it for now!

Monday, February 8, 2010

things to learn...

hey guys--
where do i start..I think first of all, we can to learn from different things. i am new at this, so bear with me.

we can learn from someone's parenting skills, whether to do the same as them, or learn NOT to do as those ones that arent the best..

we can also learn from things we eat..if we eat the wrong things, or too much of is the outcome? good? bad? let us ponder that thought...

what else can we learn? I think that we all realize we are not perfect by any means. Meaning: we all have imperfections, whether small or big. Someone can say something to us, and perhaps it doesnt come out quiet right, but to them; it may. Realizing this, has been especially hard for me lately, but I think I am trying.

This is all for now, until next time.....have a wonderful day!!!
